What is BitNinja Site Protection & How to Add a New Server?


BitNinja Site Protection is a security solution designed to safeguard websites from various threats like malware, hackers, and bots. It offers an automated security system that provides website owners control over their website’s security posture.

List of features that BitNinja Site Protection offers:

BitNinja Site Protection offers a comprehensive suite of features to secure your website. Check below some of the key functionalities:

  • Malware Scanning and Removal: It continuously scans your website to identify and eliminate malware infections that could steal data or disrupt operations.
  • Website Vulnerability Scanning: Proactively searches for weaknesses in your website’s code and configuration that hackers could exploit.
  • CAPTCHA Protection: It helps to prevent automated bots from submitting forms or carrying out malicious activities on your website by implementing a challenge-response test.
  • Phishing Monitoring: This feature helps to keep an eye out for fake websites impersonating your domain name to protect your visitors from phishing scams.
  • Website Hardening: Strengthens your website’s defense by automatically patching vulnerabilities and configuring security settings to make it more resistant to attacks.
  • Real-time Alerts and Notifications: It instantly informs you about any suspicious activity or security threats detected on your website.
  • Security Dashboard: It provides a centralized platform to view security metrics, scan results, and manage website protection.
  • Potential Integration with Third-Party Tools: This may allow integration with your existing CRM, security software, or analytics platform for a more unified security approach (refer to BitNinja’s documentation for confirmation).
  • Automatic Website Clean-up: It removes any malicious code or backdoors identified during scans.
  • Security Badge Display: It allows you to showcase a trust badge on your website indicating it’s protected by BitNinja.

By combining these features, BitNinja Site Protection aims to provide comprehensive website security and improve your website’s overall resilience against cyber threats.

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Steps to Add New Server

There are two main methods for installing BitNinja and adding a new server:

Method 1: Using the Universal One-Line Installer

  1. Access your BitNinja Dashboard: You have to log in to your BitNinja account and navigate to the dashboard.
  2. Obtain the Installation Command: If you haven’t added any servers yet, the installation command will be displayed prominently on the start page. If you have existing servers, click the “+ Add new server” button to get the specific installation command for the new server.
  3. Copy and Paste the Command: Next, you have to copy the entire installation command provided by BitNinja.
  4. Connect to your Server: You have to safely connect to your server using SSH (Secure Shell).
  5. Run the Installation Command: Next, you have to paste the copied installation command into your server’s terminal and then press Enter.
  6. Confirm Installation: When prompted, type “Y” and press Enter to confirm the installation process.
  7. License Key: After installation, you’ll need to configure the BitNinja client by entering your license key. You can find your license key in the BitNinja Dashboard settings or by clicking on “Add Server.”

Method 2: Manual Installation

This method involves adding the BitNinja repository to your server and then installing the software package. The specific steps will vary depending on your Linux distribution (e.g., Ubuntu, CentOS). Here’s a general guideline:

  1. Find Installation Instructions: Refer to BitNinja’s documentation for detailed instructions specific to your Linux distribution. You can find the documentation here: https://doc.bitninja.io/docs/installation/install_bitninja/
  2. Add BitNinja Repository: The instructions will guide you through adding the BitNinja repository to your system’s package manager. This allows your server to access and install BitNinja packages.
  3. Update Package Lists: You have to update your system’s package list to reflect the newly added repository.
  4. Install BitNinja Package: Use the appropriate package manager command (e.g., apt-get install bitninja for Ubuntu/Debian) to install the BitNinja package on your server.
  5. License Key Configuration: This step is similar to the one-line installer method, you need to configure the BitNinja client by entering your license key after installation.

Adding a New Server:

In both methods, adding a new server is typically achieved through the BitNinja Dashboard.

After installing BitNinja on your server, the installation process should initiate communication with the BitNinja servers.

You can then manage and monitor that server from your BitNinja Dashboard.

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Final Words

In conclusion, BitNinja Site Protection is a security solution designed to protect websites from various online threats. Adding a new server to BitNinja involves following a few simple steps to enhance the security of the server and the websites it hosts.

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