This article will help you to understand how to create and connect to an email account. Check these steps to create the email account.
- The first step is to log in to your cPanel account
2. After login to your dashboard you’ll see the Email Accounts > click on Email accounts.
3. After clicking on Email accounts. You’ll redirect to the page where you can create the emails.
4. Whenever, you’ll click on the Create button you see the new dashboard in which you have to enter a username and password.
Note: It is suggested to use the new email address in the Username text box and secure Password too.
After entering the username and password. You’ll redirect to the page, where you’ll get a message of a successful user your username is created in the message’.
If you wish to create another email id then you have to follow those steps again to create a new user.
5. Once your user id is created then click on Check Email.
6. You will see the icons called open-source webmail software.
7. Click on open You get to dashboard of your webmail from where you can
By following these steps, you can create an email from cPanel and start using an email account.